We have built trusted relationships with a number of medical schemes and administers several plan options for these medical schemes. The Momentum CareCross operating model is able to integrate with all administration platforms in the health care industry, thereby meeting the needs of the various medical schemes, from basic primary care, through our Momentum CareCross network, to integrated models including specialists. Our network field team regularly consults with the contracted doctors to ensure real compliance with treatment standards and protocols.
Medical Scheme Clients
The Momentum CareCross option offers sustainable, low-cost healthcare to lower and middle-income earners. It is based on an extensive network of general practitioners and associated healthcare professionals such as specialists, dentists and optometrists throughout Southern Africa.
Momentum CareCross network members select a network GP, whose participation ensures unlimited primary care, inclusive of consultations and medications plus radiology and pathology services.
Open Medical Schemes
An open medical scheme is open to all members of the public. Momentum CareCross networks apply on with the following open medical schemes options.