Contact us
Physical address
Parc du Cap, 6 Mispel Road, Bellville, 7530
Postal address
PO Box 1626, Bellville, 7535
Tel: Switchboard: 021 673 1800
Fax: 021 673 1811
Email: [email protected]
Our client service centres is open 8am-5pm Monday – Friday
Tel:Member Enquiry Centre: 0860 103 491
The member enquiry centre can be used by members of all medical schemes except Wooltru to answer enquiries
Tel: Chronic Benefit Management Centre: 0860 102 182
Fax: 021 673 1815
The chronic benefit management centre can be used by members of all medical schemes except Wooltru to answer enquiries
Tel: Clinical Referral Centre: 0860 102 183
The clinical referral centre can be used by members of all medical schemes except Wooltru to answer enquiries

Please contact the above number for all of the following types of enquiries for members of the Wooltru Core option:
- Provider enquiries
- Member enquiries
- Chronic Benefit Management
- Clinical Referral Centre
- Referral to a Specialist (Core and Plus options)
Our Provider contact centre is open
Monday – Friday 8am • 5pm
Provider Contact Centre:
Tel: 0860 101 159
Fax: 021 673 1811
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 021 673 1820
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 021 413 2450
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 087 110 0188
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 011 461 6337
If your details have changed, it is important that you let us know. We need this information so that we can administer your details and process your claims quickly and efficiently.
In order to do so, please login, update your details and click on the REQUEST UPDATE button